Tap 101/Beginner (Souls of Your Feet)
12:00PM (CDT)
Course Price
Drop-In Rate
Start Date
May 1, 2021
Course length
4 Week
Weekly Content
1 Hour (or more!)
Acia Gray
Pre-Recorded class and a weekly live Zoom check-in with Acia!
About the course
Week 1
- Basic Rhythm / The Five Basic Dance Steps; Singles, Doubles; Triples
o Learn the basic fundamentals of The Souls of Your Feet including basic musical
structures/space, weight placement and the elements of timing and space.
Week 2
- Five Basic Dance Steps; Singles, Doubles; Triples / Composition
o Utilizing the basics from first class (w/review) experience basic musical composition and
weight changes.
Week 3
- The Shim Sham w/Basic Dance Step Foundation
o Utilizing previous lessons to experience the foundation and musicality of
this tap dance classic.
Week 4
- “The” Time Step / Musical Definition / Traditional Foundation
o Utilizing previous basic lessons (w/review) experience and explore the
musical element (and history) of this foundational tap dance concept and
historical basic footwork “The single, double and triple.”